Let's just say this was not the finish line marker at training weekend.
This past weekend was the moment of truth for those of us hoping to race the Half Iron distance at Wildflower this year. I was not worried about my total race time, since you get 8.5 hours after the last swim start to finish. However, you only get 5 hours 20 minutes after the last swim start to complete both the swim and the run. Jeez, who needs all that run time? Give it to the bike time, people! I did my swim/bike with about 5 minutes to spare. Although I am totally and thoroughly proud of myself, I have a slim margin of error (no flat tires, please!) but also about another month to improve. Time to get serious.
The swim was great. It was 1.2 miles of 60+ degree water. In a lake. Ha! Last weekend (and next weekend, gulp) I was swimming in the 49 degree water of the Bay with great whites circling me.
The bike was...grueling. Incredibly difficult. Strenuous to the tenth. I was making 10 miles every 50 minutes (that includes 40 mph downhills, no kidding) until the last mile (that would be mile 55 of 56) when I took a wrong turn and did an extra six. I really wasn't excited about the extra mileage at that point. It did not feel like doing extra credit or even just getting a plain old A+. It felt like my ischial tuberosities were holding a mutiny on my a$$. Nevertheless I persevered. Or rather, Todd and Nate rescued me.
I did it.
The run the next day was gorgeous. Now I know why the race is called the "Wildflower." To quote Todd around 8 mile, (sorry if you are cringing, but I could not resist making an Eminem allusion there) "Oh my God, my head hurts, this is so pretty!" Until yesterday, I had never run 13 miles in one stretch. I ran the whole damn thing without walking a step. Check that one off the list.
Nate was manning the h2o stops all weekend and was an all-around champ. He is simply the best. Not only did he skillfully fill Dixie cups with fruit punch flavor Gatorate, he basically helped me be successful in every regard. Wow Nate, thank you.
He took some good snaps, which I will post at my earliest convenience.
That's training weekend in a nutshell.
I have a couple of other exciting announcements, and I might as well make them now...
1. My hair is red with purple stripes. I will post a pic tomorrow.
2. I have almost raised enough to race in both the Wildflower and the Kings Trail in Maui. My donor support rocks! Thank you, donors! I went ahead and signed up for Kings Trail because I am confident I will make the rest in good time (hint, hint, you slackers). That 70.3 didn't race itself this weekend, and cancer sure isn't going to cure itself. Keep that in mind.
See you at Chrissy Field on Saturday!