Tuesday, February 26, 2008


The following is addressed to the person who rides southbound CalTrain 210 most mornings and brings a small, sea green, Bianchi road bike with leopard print seat, bound for San Antonio Station, into the bike car.

Why must you impatiently and carelessly move my bike to find a place? Surely there is another place for you to put your bike? If not, could you at least be more careful, please? And also, I doubt there isn't a place. Please do a better job of checking.

This morning you did an especially careless thing! Apparently, you dropped my bike and not only did you make my precious bike light ($30, already replaced once due to my own decision to hop a gnarly curb over at Aquatic Park...) disappear, but you also made one of my DAISIES FROM MY DAISY BASKET disappear! Is nothing sacred, you callous bike jostler?

This would all have been much easier to bear had it not been for the fact that my engagement ring cracked. Alas, that has little to do with my training...

Oh, and another thing! You also tore my handlebar tape. Boo to you!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Weather Giveth and the Weather Taketh Away

What did the weather give me this week?

It was only lightly sprinkling, rather than torrentially downpouring during the 40-miles-to-freedom ride in Tiburon on Saturday morning. Yes, folks, I said 40 miles. At the end of the jaunt, I found myself saying, "Whew! That sure was hard! And the race involves swimming prior to biking, and then biking 13 miles more than I just did, and then running another 13 to top it all off!" Triathlons are indeed the gift that keeps on giving.

Around miles 20 of the ride, there was an extra special treat! We were all forced to take one of our bike tires off, DELIBERATELY let the air out of it to simulate a flat tire, and then do my all-time, very favorite activity: practice changing flat tires! I loved this so much, I asked around to see if anyone else wanted me to do theirs for them, preferably back tires, since getting my hands greasy on the chain while I struggle to get the chain back on the gear rings is terrific! Here I am having the time of my life!

What did the weather take from me this week?

I was not able to commute on my bike to work, but this was no problem, as it gave me multiple opportunities to wear skirts and not have perpetual helmet hair in the workplace.

Our Sunday workout at IVC was cancelled, which is why I am updating my blog from the warm, dry comfort of my own home at an hour usually dedicated on Sundays to doing like 2 miles worth of drills in the pool (before doing a second workout, either biking or running, of course!). I shall swim my 2500 meters (gaaaa, shall I really?) at UCSF at my leisure later today. Wait, this sounds more like the weather giveth than taketh away, doesn't it?

Last note, unrelated to the weather...

Many thanks to Jessica and JP for coming to my 6th and 7th periods on Friday to talk about what living with cancer is like and what success in life means to both of them. I am so lucky and honored to know such strong, wise, and persevering people. You are both rockstars, and continue to inspire me!

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Well, I've resigned myself to the fact that I am going to be the pro group bike and run caboose for the entire season. Fortunately, most of the time I've got a co-caboose (usually Todd, haha!) but that is only sort of a consolation. Everyone is always waiting for me to finish! Slow and steady, right?

I am swimming elite, not pro, (due to my speed, or lack thereof) and for this reason, I'm not the swim caboose (I'm just a freight car on a slightly slower train). Here I am in action!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Something to Think About

From my uncle David:

"Honor the living. The dead are past caring. Tell the ones you love that you love them. Hug them if you are close enough. We don't have all the time in the world."

A Few of my Favorite Things!

Here are some photos of things currently making me super happy!

1. My mom finished my "racing cape" (oh yeah, that's right!) and mailed it to me for Valentine's Day! Here's the front AND back!

Note the fancy "R" on the back. I am betting that wearing this cape will cut a good 15-30 minutes off my race times.

2. I finally admitted to myself that I was not in love with the North Face bag, so I divorced it and married this super cute Timbuk2 tote instead.

3. Here's the front page photo from the Santa Cruz Sentinel of the Sentinel Triathlon. It was a while ago, but I am still so impressed with what super studs my race start group looks like in the photo. (I am the second super stud in from the left side of the photo.)

4. I crack up every time I see this picture, taken while visiting my sister in New Hampshire. Enough said.

5. These next two photos aren't technically making me "super" happy, but they are from the most recent run workout at the Sports Basement. I am proud of my excellent form in the "side plank" photo, and I think you get a good sense in the second one of how dark is is to run during Daylight Savings.

Over and out!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Rebecca vs. IVC Workout, Judge Head Cold Presiding

Judge HC: Plaintiff, please present your facts.


1. I hit all the red lights on Divisadero.
2. It was hard to breathe during the swim time trials, due to head cold.
3. On the bike, a LOT of snot was coming out of my nose the whole time.
4. There was no hot tea at the rest stop.

Judge HC: Defendant, is there anything you would like to say to the plaintiff?

IVC Workout: Yes. First of all, I'm not sure that the first item the plaintiff presented had anything do to with said head cold. Second, item four is so absurd I will not even speak to it. Here is my rebuttal:

1. Sunshine. Lots of it!
2. The pool was heated to perfection.
3. Red AND orange Gatorade, plus Cheezits at the rest stop.
4. The view from the top of Big Rock is beautiful!
5. The plaintiff was wearing her fabulous new pink bike glasses.

Judge HC: In my final verdict, I rule against the plaintiff. She presented fewer pieces of evidence than the defendant, and besides, this sounds like a great workout!

IVC Workout: Before we wrap this up, your Honor, my colleague Ocean Beach Captain's Run would like to present an exhibit:

Judge HC: Is that the plaintiff running in the sunshine with Todd?

IVC Workout: Yes, it is.

Judge HC: Well, then, I certainly rest this case.

Broken Glass

Broken Glass

Rolling down Cesar Chavez
I look left
I look right
I see
broken glass.

The men who live
under the freeway--

Every morning, they are
drinking 40s
shooting up between their toes
sleeping on the trash carpet
and it's 6:35.

Dodging broken glass
is what we do
every day.

Mostly I miss
but I've had my fair
share of flats.

And who do I blame?

I know how much
broken glass hurts.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Sunday, February 3, 2008

I've Been Working on the Railroad

I found out this past week that a student of mine from last year developed Hodgkin's lymphoma. Why do bad things happen to awesome people? I called him as soon as I found out about his cancer, and I will visit him next week. It's too rotten for words that a fifteen-year-old should have to deal with something like this. Sigh.

On Saturday, there was a little bit of sun in the morning, and our run in Golden Gate Park aligned nicely with this moment of calm. We ran from MacLaren Lodge down past the bison enclosure (I use that as the reference point as it is Nate's favorite sight in the park). I'm practically impossible to pick out in this photo, but you can get a sense of how humongous our team is this season.

This morning, the alumni group biked from the Presido Sports Basement out to Fort Cronkite. Wow! It was my first time biking over the Golden Gate Bridge. I know it's no big deal, but when we first got out over the water, I kept thinking, "Yikes! People jump off this baby to end their lives and here we are willingly putting ourselves in the wind right on the edge!" Of course, that aside, it is breathtakingly beautiful. Speaking of beautiful, the weather was really nice on the way out and when we turned around at Rodeo Beach, it promptly began to sprinkle, then rain, then downpour. Ah, yes, let the season begin. I'm adding one photo from last season to show how sad my bike was with its old Bontrager tires and another to show how happy my bike looked today, even in the rain, with the new Michelin Pros on...I think it likes the baby blue color :0)

Sorry, Lisa, that you are making a weird face in the photo.

I wrote a poem about triathlons at this River of Words workshop I went to this week, but I am feeling too shy to post it. I will try to muster some courage and see what I can do...

Oh yeah, what did I but with my 20% off coupon to the Sports Basement today? Drumroll, please! A hot pink, all-carbon Trek tri bike! Haha, I don't think that even exists. I got some Castelli booties to cut down on the ice cube toes factor and some delicious, nutritious Clif Shotbloks in Cran-Razz flavor, to be precise.