Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Weather Giveth and the Weather Taketh Away

What did the weather give me this week?

It was only lightly sprinkling, rather than torrentially downpouring during the 40-miles-to-freedom ride in Tiburon on Saturday morning. Yes, folks, I said 40 miles. At the end of the jaunt, I found myself saying, "Whew! That sure was hard! And the race involves swimming prior to biking, and then biking 13 miles more than I just did, and then running another 13 to top it all off!" Triathlons are indeed the gift that keeps on giving.

Around miles 20 of the ride, there was an extra special treat! We were all forced to take one of our bike tires off, DELIBERATELY let the air out of it to simulate a flat tire, and then do my all-time, very favorite activity: practice changing flat tires! I loved this so much, I asked around to see if anyone else wanted me to do theirs for them, preferably back tires, since getting my hands greasy on the chain while I struggle to get the chain back on the gear rings is terrific! Here I am having the time of my life!

What did the weather take from me this week?

I was not able to commute on my bike to work, but this was no problem, as it gave me multiple opportunities to wear skirts and not have perpetual helmet hair in the workplace.

Our Sunday workout at IVC was cancelled, which is why I am updating my blog from the warm, dry comfort of my own home at an hour usually dedicated on Sundays to doing like 2 miles worth of drills in the pool (before doing a second workout, either biking or running, of course!). I shall swim my 2500 meters (gaaaa, shall I really?) at UCSF at my leisure later today. Wait, this sounds more like the weather giveth than taketh away, doesn't it?

Last note, unrelated to the weather...

Many thanks to Jessica and JP for coming to my 6th and 7th periods on Friday to talk about what living with cancer is like and what success in life means to both of them. I am so lucky and honored to know such strong, wise, and persevering people. You are both rockstars, and continue to inspire me!

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