Sunday, February 10, 2008

Rebecca vs. IVC Workout, Judge Head Cold Presiding

Judge HC: Plaintiff, please present your facts.


1. I hit all the red lights on Divisadero.
2. It was hard to breathe during the swim time trials, due to head cold.
3. On the bike, a LOT of snot was coming out of my nose the whole time.
4. There was no hot tea at the rest stop.

Judge HC: Defendant, is there anything you would like to say to the plaintiff?

IVC Workout: Yes. First of all, I'm not sure that the first item the plaintiff presented had anything do to with said head cold. Second, item four is so absurd I will not even speak to it. Here is my rebuttal:

1. Sunshine. Lots of it!
2. The pool was heated to perfection.
3. Red AND orange Gatorade, plus Cheezits at the rest stop.
4. The view from the top of Big Rock is beautiful!
5. The plaintiff was wearing her fabulous new pink bike glasses.

Judge HC: In my final verdict, I rule against the plaintiff. She presented fewer pieces of evidence than the defendant, and besides, this sounds like a great workout!

IVC Workout: Before we wrap this up, your Honor, my colleague Ocean Beach Captain's Run would like to present an exhibit:

Judge HC: Is that the plaintiff running in the sunshine with Todd?

IVC Workout: Yes, it is.

Judge HC: Well, then, I certainly rest this case.

1 comment:

Mel Woods said...

Hey! Just got your note- thanks! I am so impressed.

I've been keeping up with the blog via Bloglines.

Hope all is well!