Saturday, May 17, 2008

Bike to Work Day...

...was definitely the highlight of the week. I biked all the way to work. It was an incredible and incredibly long ride to do before putting in a full day on the hottest day of the year in Palo Alto.

I left at 5:45am and rode through Glen Park to Skyline. I took Skyline to Canada to Woodside to Whiskey Hill to Sand Hill into downtown Palo Alto, and then Bryant to school. I thought it would be 35 miles, but apparently it's 43 miles. I got there the same exact minute as all my little smiling faces did. Eek. Close call. Maybe leave at 5:30 (gaa!) next time. What a satisfying way to get to work!

Wednesday was a nice hilly four miles at the Presidio Sports Basement.

Here we are conditioning our hearts and minds. No wait, we are definitely conditioning our bodies here.

This is an OYO weekend due to Bay to Breakers craziness tomorrow. Nate and I are both running, but not together. Nate and assorted Hastings friends are going cap and gown themed, and I and assorted TNT friends are going hula themed. No coconut bras, though. Way too much chafiness potential.

Ready, set, go!

1 comment:

Nate Cardozo said...

I just want to put it out there that Hastings kicked TnT's butts. Just saying.