Sunday, August 31, 2008


That sums up how the first week of training after traveling for three weeks feels.

In a panic, I frontloaded the week with two bike/run bricks. Wow! WOW!!

Yesterday was the day of sweet repose. It was very successful. Today, I plan to take Penny for a run in the sun. It should be fun. The rhymes are done.

The Malibu triathlon is on 9/13. Today is 8/31. I will push it hard for one full week, and then taper a bit. I'm still deciding if a full taper would be for better or for worse, in light of the traveling. At times like these, I ask myself, "What would Michael Phelps do?"

Unrelated, but for the record, I purchased a new tri suit last weekend. Hmmm. What is my subconscious trying to tell me? I don't want to have to change the name of this blog, after all...

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